JFC21 series open front high speed accuracy press

Technical data
·Application:air conditioner fin,car radiator air conditoner radiator,steel coil,silicon steel.
·Combined dry pneumatic friction clutch.
·Press bigger than JFC21-45 lifting balance cylinder for slide.
·Imported dual solenoid valve.
·Forced oil lubrication system.
·PLC of intemational brand.
·Hydraulic overload protector.
·JFC21-25-45:manual die height adjustment with scale display,Press bigger than JFC21-63:electrical die height adjustment with digital display.
·Equipped with multi-cutter valve,blow valve,automatic press line with automatic feeder.
·General press:with general guide,rigid overload protector.
·A type:roller guide,rigid overload protector.
·Btype:roller quide,hydraulic overload protector.
·JLC21 series:slide with eight face guide,and optional hydraulic overkoad protector and roller guide for JL21 series presses.